Wednesday, 27 July 2011

[50% 折扣]周杰伦领军马来西亚闹哄哄音乐节绝对要你High翻天。2张闹哄哄音乐节入门票 + 1 桶Tiger啤酒 + 1桶Heineken啤酒 ,现在只卖RM388!!!别等了,快来抢!!!


1桶Tiger啤酒 (5支小瓶装) RM46.90++
1桶Henniken啤酒 (5支小瓶) RM62.90++
2张闹哄哄音乐节门票(RM328x2) RM656.00
原价总共 RM782.70
现只售RM388 !!
Station One 有免费Wifi。
Station One是听歌的好去处。


Station One Leisure Cafe
64.Jalan Mutiara Raya, Taman Mutiara Cheras,
56100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Perseketuan, M'sia
电话: 03-9131 1244 /6466
门票兑换将会在 30/7/2011;下午5 pm开始;
门票兑换地点:Stadium Putra (Indoor), Bukit Jalil. (Station One Booth)
啤酒兑换地点:Station One,各大西马分店(请参考附加的列表);
啤酒兑换的营业时间: 根据Station One,各大西马分店的营业时间

"由Unusual Productions 及Star Planet 星艺娱乐联合主办,《Loud Festival闹哄哄音乐节》将于7月30日,晚上8点,Bukit Jalil Putra室内体育馆大卡士登场!

《Loud Festival 闹哄哄音乐节》将会是本年度最有看头的一场演出,由亚洲天王周杰伦领军, 连同人气乐团苏打绿,性感舞后温岚及创作才女袁咏琳首 度同台飚歌,新鮮即富号召力的艺人組合配搭,可谓是乐坛难得一遇的拉阔盛事。音乐节的策划及整体的曲目编排上都是费尽心思,这场120分钟的大型演出,除 了周董及苏打绿有精彩的个人压轴演唱部分以外,温岚及袁咏琳也将演绎个人单曲,除此以外,几位艺人也有可能出现crossover,务必提供给观众更多元 化,更多的音乐享受。



性感舞后兼实力派唱将温岚与吴宗宪《你比从前快乐》专辑中,与宪哥对唱“屋顶”,成为KTV点唱排行榜的K歌第一名,也成为男女对唱的国歌。发行第二张专 辑摇身一变,性感火辣的温岚,让人眼睛为之一亮。更创下许多K歌如“眼泪知道”,“爱太急”,“祝我生日快乐”,“傻瓜”及“爱回温”等!

09年袁咏琳发行个人第一张《袁咏琳Cindy Yen》专辑,守波主打歌是由周董与小师妹Cindy袁咏琳合唱一曲“画沙”。并在各大K歌排行榜聚首榜首。此外,袁咏琳更在大师兄周杰伦世界巡演中担任表演嘉宾。

Station One轻松愉快的氛围,初期以销售大众西餐为主,为迎合大马消费者口味,不断提升菜单,以让顾客群有多样化的选择。全新的菜单主要是让顾客可以和朋友在一 起分享喜悦。。舒服的空间绝对让有品位的您可以和三五好友可以在此畅饮几杯,畅谈天地,好听的音乐必定让您回味无穷!


Station One Leisure Cafe
64.Jalan Mutiara Raya, Taman Mutiara Cheras,
56100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Perseketuan, M'sia
电话: 03-91311244 /6466
门票兑换将会在 30/7/2011;下午5 pm开始;
门票兑换地点:Stadium Putra (Indoor), Bukit Jalil. (Station One Booth)
啤酒兑换地点:Station One,各大西马分店(请参考附加的列表);
啤酒兑换的营业时间: 根据Station One,各大西马分店的营业时间;

重点推荐 : 【91% 折扣】专业美容护肤中心 Praise Beauty让您实现美丽梦想!原价RM580,您只需付RM48就可以享受 A) 2 次的美丽魔法焕肤亮彩配套 或者 B) 2 次的Praise Beauty 欧洲NIS热能纤体瘦身配套。美容纤体无期限,保证还你婀娜曼妙的身姿!快带上你的朋友们一起来吧!

 【91% 折扣】专业美容护肤中心 Praise Beauty让您实现美丽梦想!原价RM580,您只需付RM48就可以享受 A) 2 次的美丽魔法焕肤亮彩配套 或者 B) 2 次的Praise Beauty 欧洲NIS热能纤体瘦身配套。美容纤体无期限,保证还你婀娜曼妙的身姿!快带上你的朋友们一起来吧!




A) 美丽魔法焕肤亮彩美容配套护理疗程步骤如下:
- 全身放松按摩
- 重点卸妆
- 全面洁肤
- 深层洁净去角质
- 熏蒸软化死皮和黑头
- 去除死皮和黑头
- 舒缓及精华摄取护理
- 面部舒缓按摩
- 魔法焕肤亮彩
- 魔法焕肤亮彩面膜
- 除去面膜
- 涂抹魔法焕肤亮彩美颜保湿霜
一次疗程只需75 分钟
B) Praise Beauty 欧洲NIS热能纤体瘦身配套护理疗程如下:
Praise Beauty为了让顾客可以真正的放心的享受想瘦的过程,他们只使用从西班牙引进高品质的Alain Ganancia的产品。
 经过Praise Beauty 的长期治疗,您不只会减低换取心脏病,更可以减低换取乳癌及子宫颈癌的风险
Praise Beauty 欧洲NIS热能纤体瘦身配套护理拥有真正的健康美丽疗效,达到健康的瘦身效果。让您踏出每一步都是那么的健康,那么的性感。
一次疗程只需90 分钟。

星期一 至 星期五 :10am – 8pm
星期六 10am-6pm
星期日 休息
此你我固本可销售于以下3家 Praise Beauty 的分店:-
Jalan Meru, Klang
2013A, (61G), batu 1 1/2, Jalan Meru 41050 Klang, Selangor.
电话号码: 03-33433546
Sunway Metro, PJ
6,1st Floor, Jalan PJS 11/28a, Sunway Metro 46150 Petaling Jaya.
One Avenue Ampang, KL
Unit B6/1/1 (Ground Floor), Jalan Ampang Utama ½, One Ampang Avenue, 68000 Kuala Lumpur
任何疑问,请联络 Praise Beauty或浏览Praise Beauty的网站

Praise Beauty 精心为客户所设计的美丽魔法焕肤亮彩美容配套护理不但能深层净化肌肤,净化角质,平衡皮脂分泌,软化角质成分剥落表层死皮细胞,且还配合按摩微粒温和去角质,柔润肌肤,令皮肤恢复洁净、健康。
Praise Beauty的美丽魔法焕肤亮彩美容配套护理可以深入的渗透肌肤表层,活化肌肤促进胶原增生有效抚平细小干纹,对抗明显的细纹及皱纹的形成,淡化黑眼圈, 去除暗沉,均匀肤色,肌肤泌润于水中灵动舒展,尽享澄净丝滑水润清泽。让您的肌肤恢复之前的亮丽光彩,明艳动人。

Praise Beauty 欧洲NIS热能纤体瘦身配套护理
纤体瘦身是女人应该一生都持之以恒的事业,Praise Beauty 了解您的需求而特设了欧洲热能纤体瘦身配套让你将瘦身与养生完美结合,夏季是一年中最容易发胖的季节,更是一年中最好的减肥季节,好好把握住减肥的时机 吧,在窈窕路上一路高歌!还在犹豫什么,赶紧行动吧!!
Praise Beauty运用了来自欧洲高科技的红光热能来碎脂熔脂灭脂,强化脂肪细胞代谢,疏泄排油通道,同时调节身体机能,促进自体新陈代谢,收紧松弛皮肤,使皮 肤变得紧实、光滑而有弹性,以达到健康瘦身的目的。Praise Beauty的专业治疗师将会给予您专业的建议让您了解您身体的哪一部位(腹部、腿部、手臂、髋部)需要进行此护理。最适合生活忙碌的您,别再烦没时间运 动了, Praise Beauty欧洲NIS热能纤体瘦身配套护理绝对可以让您美的健康,美的开心。

PRAISE BEAUTY所有使用的仪器都是经过ISO9002印证。所采用的科技技术都是得到世界各地医疗界认同的。PRAISE BEAUTY的专业美容师和治疗师都是经过750小时美容及护理训练而且个个都获到专业美容学院所颁发的文凭证书。


星期一 至 星期五 :10am – 8pm
星期六 10am-6pm
星期日 休息
此你我固本可销售于以下3家 Praise Beauty 的分店:-
Jalan Meru, Klang
2013A, (61G), batu 1 1/2, Jalan Meru 41050 Klang, Selangor.
电话号码: 03-33433546
Sunway Metro, PJ
6,1st Floor, Jalan PJS 11/28a, Sunway Metro 46150 Petaling Jaya.
One Avenue Ampang, KL
Unit B6/1/1 (Ground Floor), Jalan Ampang Utama ½, One Ampang Avenue, 68000 Kuala Lumpur
任何疑问,请联络 Praise Beauty或浏览Praise Beauty的网站

Klang Valley Visit more cities Subscribe to our daily discount HOME WHAT YOU MISSED HOW NIWO WORKS CONTACT US | Register | Login Hot Deals : 【91% Discount】RM48 entitle to enjoy 2 section of A) Intensive Radiance Facial or B) Guaranteed inch loss Europe NIS Thermal Slimming inside out worth RM 588.


You can even choose 1 session for Facial and 1 session for Slimming or both session of either Facial or Slimming.

Save RM 532 and enjoy 2 sessions of Intensive Radiance Facial or Guaranteed inch loss Europe NIS Thermal Slimming inside out.
A) Intensive Radiance Facial Treatment procedure
- Welcome sculp massage
- Deep cleansing
- Scrub Steam
- Extraction
- Soothing 1 pc booster with machine ionise to skin
- Radiant facial massage
- Radiant face mask
- Remove the mask
- Apply radiant moisture cream
75 minutes per session for Intensive Radiance Facial Treatment.
Available at 3 different locations.
Male must be accompanied by a female friend.
B) Guaranteed in loss Europe NIS Thermal Slimming inside out for
A customised healthy slimming program set to slim you down for a long term.
High quality imported products used - Alain Ganancia from Spain
Lower risk of heart attack, breast cancer and cervical cancer.
Feel sexy and healthy at the same time
90 minutes per session for Guaranteed in loss Europe NIS Thermal Slimming inside out.
Burn 600 to 1200 calories each session.
Available at 3 different locations.
Male must be accompanied by a female friend.


The Fine Print

Expires 28th October 2011
Redemption period: 29th July 2011 - 28th October 2011
Valid from :-
Mon - Fri (10am to 8pm)
Sat (10am to 6pm); Close on Sunday.
Valid at 3 different branches:
Shop Address
Jalan Meru, Klang 2013A, (61G), batu 1 1/2, Jalan Meru 41050 Klang, Selangor.
Tel: 03-33433546
Sunway Metro, PJ 6,1st Floor, Jalan PJS 11/28a, Sunway Metro 46150 Petaling Jaya.
One Avenue Ampang, KL Unit B6/1/1 (Ground Floor), Jalan Ampang Utama ½, One Ampang Avenue, 68000 Kuala Lumpur.
1 day prior booking required。 Booking subject to availability.
May buy many as gifts for friends.
Limit 1 coupon redemption per person per visit. Valid for 1st timer only.

Coupon will be forfeited in the event of no show.
21 years old and above in order to redeem the coupon.
Not suitable for pregnant women.
Printed Coupon must be presented upon redemption for verification purposes by mercant
For inquiries please contact Praise Beauty Sdn Bhd or Visit their website
Government & service tax inclusive.

ntensive Radiance Facial
Let yourself glow!! Our facial programmes have been carefully designed not only to nurture, tone and restore balance to the skin but also to pamper, relax and soothe the inner self, leaving you feeling radiant and rejuvenated.

An intensive treatment for tired and dull skin, to boost and strengthen cell activities. To well nourish the cell bringing natural radiant to the skin and to well hydrate the skin thus appearing smoother and younger. It brings freshness and vitality. A highly effective way of eliminating signs of premature aging and signs of tiredness.

Guaranteed in loss Europe NIS Thermal Slimming inside out
Like traffic lights, fatty acids catch mortals off guard in three ways – rendering their clothes obsolete, disrupting healthy lifestyles and causing massive jams in the arteries. Red light lipids with today’s coupon: for RM48 you get two 90-minute slimming sessions worth RM580 from Praise Slimming & Beauty Professionals at 3 different locations.

Customers gain the upper hand in weight warfare by consulting skilled slenderizes as to which body region should be attacked mellifluously prior to saddling up for battle. Bio-solutions prep the body before it is confined in a slimming wrap, ensuring no escape for callous calories. Whilst lying on their backs, customers yield their bodies to a device which coils itself around human frameworks for 30 minutes of lipolysis which allows heat waves to penetrate deep cell layers, improving blood circulation and breaking up body fats. A swift detoxification massage improves the overall result and mood, while a post-session analysis lets customers see the fruits of their lackadaisical labor. During each 90-minute session, clients may burn between 600 to 1200 calories, the equivalent of a three-hour run, thus making this treatment suitable for those short of time or grit. For best results, sessions should be scheduled with one week interval in between.

The Service Professionalism
In Praise Beauty, all the equipments are ISO9002 certified and only using the technologies that are recognized by hospital sectors worldwide. Praise Beauty offer services by beauticians/therapist from certified institutions with more than 750 hours training

Terms And Condition

Expires 28th October 2011
Redemption period: 29th July 2011 - 28th October 2011
Valid from :-
Mon - Fri (10am to 8pm)
Sat (10am to 6pm); Close on Sunday.
Valid at 3 different branches:
Jalan Meru, Klang
2013A, (61G), batu 1 1/2, Jalan Meru 41050 Klang, Selangor.
Tel: 03-33433546
Sunway Metro, PJ
6,1st Floor, Jalan PJS 11/28a, Sunway Metro 46150 Petaling Jaya.
One Avenue Ampang, KL
Unit B6/1/1 (Ground Floor), Jalan Ampang Utama ½, One Ampang Avenue, 68000 Kuala Lumpur
1 day prior booking required。 Booking subject to availability.
May buy many as gifts for friends.
Limit 1 coupon redemption per person per visit. Valid for 1st timer only.

Coupon will be forfeited in the event of no show.
21 years old and above in order to redeem the coupon.
Not suitable for pregnant women.
Printed Coupon must be presented upon redemption for verification purposes by mercant
For inquiries please contact Praise Beauty Sdn Bhd or Visit their website
Government & service tax inclusive.

Hot Deals : [50% OFF] RM388 for 2 tickets to Jay Chou "Loud Festival" Concert (RM328 seating) + 1 Bucket Tiger Beer + 1 Bucket Heineken Beer. [Non-Halal]

Hot Deals : [50% OFF] RM388 for 2 tickets to Jay Chou "Loud Festival" Concert (RM328 seating) + 1 Bucket Tiger Beer + 1 Bucket Heineken Beer. [Non-Halal]   

You Save

Time Left to Buy

2 Days 13 Hrs 8 Mins 23 Sec

6 bought

Limited quantity available
The deal is on!


[50% OFF] RM388 for 2 tickets to Jay Chou “Loud Festival” Concert (RM328 seating) + 1 Bucket Tiger Beer + 1 Bucket Heineken Beer. [Non-Halal]
2 tickets of “Loud Festival” Concert with RM328 seating. Catch a glimpse of Asia’s King of Pop, Jay Chou up close and enjoy the 2-hour great entertainment show.
1 bucket of Tiger + 1 bucket of Heineken and get your friends to enjoy this great deal with you at all Station One outlets nearest to you (Peninsular M’sia only).
Free WI-FI at Station One outlets.
Popular venue for live music at Station One outlets.

The Fine Print

Coupon redemption (for Beer redemption)
Expires 15th August 2011.
Redemption Period: 22th July 2011 – 15th August 2011.
Valid Monday to Sunday (inclusive Public Holiday).
Valid at all 40 Station One branches (Peninsular M’sia only).
Limited to 50 Coupons only.
May buy many as gifts.
Must be 18 and above only.
Dine in only; 2 buckets of beer to be redeemed at once.
Service charges and Government tax included.
Printed Coupon must be presented along with NRIC upon redemption for verification purposes by merchant.
For inquiries please contact
Station One Leisure Cafe
64. Jalan Mutiara Raya, Taman Mutiara Cheras,
56100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Perseketuan, M'sia
Tel: 03-91311244 /6466
Loud Festival Concert (for Concert Ticket redemption)
Expires 30th July 2011.
Redemption Date: 30th July 2011, Sat from 5pm – 8pm.
Redemption Location: Stadium Putra (In/outdoor), Bukit Jalil entrance, Station One Booth.
Tickets are non-refundable and non-exchangeable for cash or other services or promotions.
Printed Coupon must be presented along with NRIC upon redemption for verification purposes by merchant.
For inquiries please contact
Station One Leisure Cafe
64. Jalan Mutiara Raya, Taman Mutiara Cheras,
56100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Perseketuan, M'sia
Tel: 03-91311244 /6466

Missed out the previous Jay Chou’s Malaysia Concert? Now’s your chance to catch him live at Loud Festival Concert at Stadium Putra, Bukit Jalil.

Mark your calendar and shout out to all fans of Jay Chou, Soda Green, Landy Wen and many more line-ups as they storm the stage at Putra Indoor Stadium Bukit Jalil, 8pm on July 30th 2011. Be overwhelmed with the incredible and ecstatic performance of new works, new sound and new experiences LIVE in Malaysia. Making its FIRST stop, Loud Festival gives you a full 2-hour show that unfolds great entertainment and fun before our very own ground.

With a purchase of RM388 coupon, you get to enjoy 2 tickets worth RM656 (RM328 seating) and catch these Superstars up-close and enjoy 1 bucket of Tiger and Heineken each worth RM130 at any Station One outlet nearest to you.

Being acclaimed as Asia’s best selling recording artistes; Jay Chou continues his reign in the Mando-pop and R&B world. Having completed his recent magnificent sell-out shows “The Era” World Tour across the globe, he is back in Malaysia and for those who just can’t get enough of him, this is a chance not to be MISSED!

Soda Green, a Taiwanese folk-rock –pop band, who has won promising awards in the Mando-pop world, Landy Wen who is well-loved for her rich vocal, energetic sexy dance actions and showmanship and Cindy Wen are part of the best line-ups you’ll ever get for the night. So start your ticket buying craze now!

Terms And Condition

Coupon redemption (for Beer redemption)
Expires 15th August 2011.
Redemption Period: 22th July 2011 – 15th August 2011.
Valid Monday to Sunday (inclusive Public Holiday).
Valid at all 40 Station One branches (Peninsular M’sia only).
Limited to 50 Coupons only.
May buy many as gifts.
Must be 18 and above only.
Dine in only; 2 buckets of beer to be redeemed at once.
Service charges and Government tax included.
Printed Coupon must be presented along with NRIC upon redemption for verification purposes by merchant.
For inquiries please contact
Station One Leisure Cafe
64. Jalan Mutiara Raya, Taman Mutiara Cheras,
56100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Perseketuan, M'sia
Tel: 03-91311244 /6466
Loud Festival Concert (for Concert Ticket redemption)
Expires 30th July 2011.
Redemption Date: 30th July 2011, Sat from 5pm – 8pm.
Redemption Location: Stadium Putra (In/outdoor), Bukit Jalil entrance, Station One Booth.
Tickets are non-refundable and non-exchangeable for cash or other services or promotions.
Printed Coupon must be presented along with NRIC upon redemption for verification purposes by merchant.
For inquiries please contact
Station One Leisure Cafe
64. Jalan Mutiara Raya, Taman Mutiara Cheras,
56100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Perseketuan, M'sia
Tel: 03-91311244 /6466

Friday, 15 July 2011

Hot Deals : [NEW!] Pay RM50 for an exclusive coupon of French Premium Beer (Kronenbourg 1664) to enjoy RM2.90 per pint at Station One Leisure Cafe…with 1st pint FREE. [Non-Halal]

Best Selling Super-premium beer in France and UK, you may now enjoy the world's best-known French beer in Station One Kota Damansara. Bringing the taste of enchantment and romance to everyday life,'French Premium Beer - Kronenbourg 1664, symbolizes the French art of pleasure, exquisite in every detail and universally desirable', as quoted by Carlsberg MD Soren Ravn, Kronenbourg 1664 is the only beer that has won the Brewing Industry International Award twice in 2004 & 2005.
  With a purchase of RM50 coupon, you may enjoy endless pints of super-premium French  

  beer for ONLY RM2.90 with purchase of 2nd full pint onwards. 

With the perfect accompaniment of live music, redolent foods, and theAWESOME-LY French Premium Beer Kronenbourg 1664, hail your friends to join you as we celebrate the launch of a ‘premier-league’ beer, right here in Station One. Wi-Fi is available for internet-totallers and for those with itchy hands, indulge yourselves with board-games or card tricks to swindle your pals into buying everyone a round of beer.

A little sneek-peek about the Taste!
Froth: Dense and creamy froth with small bubbles, white colour.
Colour: Golden Yellow colour, Bright
Aroma: Medium intensity, with dominant odour of hops and grapefruit. Cereal-malt aroma with spicy, flower honey as finishing touch.
Taste: Fine bitter taste
Mouthfeel: Light sparkling
After Taste: Fine lasting taste of bitterness with flowery hop aroma and a touch of malt light.


• Pay RM50 for an exclusive coupon of French Premium Beer (Kronenbourg 1664) to enjoy RM2.90 per pint…with 1st pint FREE from 5pm – 10pm.
• Consume More to Save More. Enjoy unlimited pints of great quality French beer at RM2.90 from 2nd full pint glass onwards.
• Coupon offer entitles only to Coupon Name Holder (purchaser).
• Original Price = RM32 ++ per pint
• Free WI-FI
• Popular venue for live music

The Fine Print

• Expires 24th July 2011
• Redemption Period: 15th July 2011 – 24th July 2011.
• Valid Mon to Sun: 5pm – 10pm.
• Valid at Kota Damansara branch only.
• Limit 1 per pax. Coupon non-transferable and may not buy as gifts.
• 5 Coupons accepted daily. Phone booking required for table reservation.
• Must be 18 and above only.
• Dine in only
• Printed Coupon must be presented upon redemption for verification purposes by merchant.
• For inquiries please contact Station 1 (Kota Damansara branch).

[新品推介大优惠]超值的法国第一啤酒Kronenbourg 1664大优惠只在Station One。 Kronenbourg 1664带有水果的清香,色泽清纯,而且香甜可口。快召集好友来Station One,Kota Damansara喝个痛快!!

 [新品推介大优惠]超值的法国第一啤酒Kronenbourg 1664大优惠只在Station One。 Kronenbourg 1664带有水果的清香,色泽清纯,而且香甜可口。快召集好友来Station One,Kota Damansara喝个痛快!!

如果妳想和三五知己来场欢乐小聚,既不想到乐声隆隆的夜店让自己显得从情欢乐,也不想要走入高级餐厅品味红酒,那相约一起到慵懒放松的第一站休闲娱乐餐厅(Station One Leisure Café)里来一杯法国啤酒Kronenbourg 1664,享受着那一口口法式浪漫的微醺滋味,甘甜柔順的清涼在嘴裡蔓延。第一口就让人惊呼,順口回甘带着清新果香,就这样让大家轻易爱上了1664,妳准备品品尝了吗?

Kronenbourg1664生啤,品牌在法國已經擁有350年的酿酒历史,这款酒只使用阿尔萨斯洛林特级酒花-〈史翠賽斯柏〉啤酒花“Strisselspalt Hop”,独特的啤酒芬芳与口感让人回味再三。取1664之名的确是因为它诞生于西元1664年,而且拥有法国最大啤酒厂,行销世界70余过获得好评,可以说是法国第一啤酒!

Station One轻松愉快的氛围,初期以销售大众西餐为主,为迎合大马消费者口味,不断提升菜单,以让顾客群有多样化的选择。全新的菜单主要是让顾客可以和朋友在一起分享喜悦。。舒服的空间绝对让有品位的您可以和三五好友可以在此畅饮几杯,畅谈天地,好听的音乐必定让您回味无穷!!


• 您只需以RM50购买此你我固本就可以以RM2.90的价钱来购买每一杯(Pint)清香的法国第一白啤酒 -Kronenbourg 1664 (只限固本持有者,从5pm到10pm的黄金时段喝个痛快). 还有还有,第一杯免费哦!记得只限你我固本持有者哦!!
• 每一杯Kronenbourg 1664 原价RM32++。
• 免费Wifi。
• 听歌的好去处。


·此你我固本只能使用于在Station One,Kota Damansara分店
·固本兑换的营业时间: (5.00pm – 10.00pm);
·注意Station One一天只接受5 张兑换你我固本。请在一小时前打电话预约 03-6157 2259;

第一站休闲娱乐餐厅 (Station One Leisure Cafe), Kota Damansara分店
分店营业时间: 11am - 2am
27-1, Jalan PJU 5/13,
Dataran Sunway,
47810 Kota Damansara,
Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Tel :             +603 - 6157 2259 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +603 - 6157 2259      end_of_the_skype_highlighting      